Friday, November 16, 2007

What is with these nightmares?


I was in a big group of people rounded up... it essentially was like the Nazis/Jews, except I don't know what reason they were giving. It's kind of blurry until we were all in this big auditorium (with seats for the audience and a stage, etc). They were putting names and the person's status up on a projector, and I saw my name with "D/co" next to it. Apparently that means I was going to be suffocated in a coffin. We left the auditorium in a bus after all the people who were going to be executed in that place were, and we drove to the "coffin suffocating" place. I was looking for a way to escape, naturally, and when the driver pulled too far over to the right next to a steep embankment that led down to a swamp, I yelled "Everyone lean to the right! To the right!" and everyone jumped over to the right-hand side of the bus. The driver lost control, and we all fell inside the bus down about 40ft to the swamp. Crawling out a window, I could see everyone running into the swamp/woods, as did I. At the other end of it, I found this city (seemed Mexican??) and waited to meet up with other people. I met up with one person, and we wandered around because we didn't know where we were. Some officers who were looking for the escapees found us but we killed them and took their suitcase full of money with plans to get passports and run away somewhere. I called my dad (because apparently my cell phone was still in my pocket) and then my alarm woke me up.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

One Fine Day in the Middle of the Night -Christopher Brookmyre

One fine day in the middle of the night
Two dead boys got up to fight.
Back to back they faced each other
Drew their swords and shot each other.

One was blind and the other couldn't see
So they chose a dummy for a referee.
A blind man went to see fair play
A dumb man went to shout "hurray!"

A paralyzed donkey passing by
Kicked the blind man in the eye.
Knocked him through a nine-inch wall
Into a dry ditch and drowned them all.

A deaf policeman heard the noise
And came to arrest the two dead boys.
If you don't believe this story's true
Ask the blind man, he saw it, too!

Thursday, November 8, 2007


I've been having nightmares the past two nights about people eating me. The first one was Anthony Hopkins as that freaky guy from Silence of the Lambs. Last night's was about this monster/creepy thing in person form, and it needed to eat someone every week or so or else it would go insane and kill everyone... so it was it's feeding time and it was creeping around looking for someone to catch. I hid in this one place but it found me and it started eating the toes of my left foot. I could feel it biting and when I looked at them, the toes were half gone and bleeding really bad.
So. Scary.


To dream that you lose or gain a toe(s), suggests that you lack determination and energy needed to move forward in some situation.

To dream that you hurt your toe or that there is a corn or abrasion on it, signifies that you are feeling anxiety about moving forward with something.