Monday, September 10, 2007


It's been about a week. The first night I had homework I was up til 2am. Not a good sign. Since on Tuesdays and Thursdays I only have two classes but they are both taught by the same professor, it is extremely confusing as to which handouts go where (something I have to be VERY careful about to not lose/misplace any). Do I rrrrrrrreallly have to buy the 3rd edition when I already have the 2nd??
Mammalian Ecology - graduate level, challenging, fun, good professor, field trip to new hampshire!!
German Cinema - friends with professor, get to watch movies, in english
Romanticism - friends with professor, semi-interesting material so far... (jedoch, auf deutsch)
German Civilization and Culture - totally insane professor (still cool), interesting material, got to listen to 25 minutes of bach last time (auf deutsch, wieder)
Directed Study - labbies as crazy as usual!! all my free time gone :(... publish articles?? :D