Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Next Semester

After this semester, I am done with my bio major. I still have three german classes to complete that one, though, so I do have some requirements I need to take - however, they are really small and my schedule looks SO empty.
This is what I'm going to do:
1. Directed Study/Undergraduate Research in Biology
2. Marx, Nietzsche, Freud
3. 19th Century German Culture
4. Undergraduate Research in German

# 1 and 4 do not have time slots, since they are based on the idea that I do the work whenever I want, as long as I get it done.
Therefore, my schedule looks like this:
(blogger upload photos thing isn't working at the moment)

Anyway, as you can see, that's gives me HUGE chunks of time! I can only take one more class to overload before I have to start paying extra... so... here are the choices:
Abnormal Psych
American Sign Language
Nothing at all

Those are the ones I'm interested in... or should I just stick with my four classes and awesome schedule?


Meena said...

Wow, that is AWESOME! Anne took abnormal psych last year and is always spouting random interesting facts -- do it do it do it do it!