Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Everyone at work is very nice and have given me no reason to be bothered by them - except one teensy weensy little thing that one person does. She constantly talks about her cats. All the time. Me, Lucy and someone I'd just met (Susan?) were all having a nice conversation about yoga and tai chi and how to find cheap classes, etc. when this woman sat down. She didn't really say anything (not being the yoga type), and we started talking about Lucy's blueberry and peach pie she was eating. I said something about strawberry rhubarb pie, and within literally 1 second of the end of one of my sentences, the woman announced that she picked up her cat from the vet yesterday.
I know more about this lady's cats than anyone else in the entire office. One of them, her daughter's cat, had a tumor "the size of a cantaloupe" on it's right side, just behind the ribcage. She couldn't stand up properly, was attacking people when touched and she was taken to be euthanized. "It was terrible!!!!" [insert a full 15 minute diatribe about how horrible putting down pets is - as if no one else in the entire lunch room had ever done it.] Everyone else is pulling their faces with sympathy and looking at her quietly as she goes on this tirade. Personally, I think if the poor cat had a tumor the size of its body, couldnt stand up and was going through obviously drug-induced paranoia fits and biting people, it was MERCY to put her down. I tried saying this and got a dirty look from her. Good thing I didn't say that I think all cats should be put down. Stupid things, making me sneeze.
This was 2 weeks ago. Every day since has been an update on her damn cats. Today's was on the sympathy card that the vet gave her in their "care bundle" after her cat died. "I read it and burst out in tears. Then my daughter read it, and she says, oohhh! and bursts out into tears. It was so wonderful and beautiful - all about how she is forever young and in the most wonderous place and happy, and how she's waiting for me, and when it's my turn she'll reach out with her paw to hold onto my hand and guide me to the place where I'll stay with her forever -"
I couldn't take any more and left. It was insanely ridiculous. I can see how you would feel something like that after your pet died, but it's been SO long and I really hope that no one cares enough to ask her about it again. In fact, I know that she brings it up herself every time and no one actually asks her.

The reason this post is named "prejudice" is because this woman is from Staten Island. Imagine now everything I've quoted in an atrocious accent.