Friday, August 15, 2008

Hypocrisy, but in a good way

There was that time I was angry that I basically got yelled at (okok not yelled, but none-too-gently chastised) about "doing work" aka being polite and helping other people at work. Now, it's come full circle and I'm reveling in it.

Here are the characters:
Christine played by Herself
M. played by M.
C. played by C.

(.... ok I realize that was completely not helpful, but... who cares.)

Character Descriptions:
Christine: struggling yet tear-jerkingly sweet and independent lab tech
M.: horror staff manager
C.: Christine's boss

Setup: After C. telling Christine to NEVER do ANY work for ANYONE OTHER THAN HIM ("this will not be tolerated!!" i quote.), some packages arrive this morning down at the receptionist's desk. Christine knows that she isn't expecting anything and goes to check it out. The attention line says: "ATTN: M." but M. has written "C." on it. Christine look sat the packing slip on the outside and doesn't recognize any of the contents, herself doing all of the ordering for the lab and knowing exactly what is expected to come. She leaves them down there, because only in a crazed world of anarchy does one lab tech take and open packages destined for another lab. She gets called about it, and says as such. The poor receptionist calls all the other labs, and no one claims it. At lunch, M. arrives in the lunchroom and begins her reign of terror.
M.: "Oh, Christine, your packages are at the desk, take them upstairs."
Christine: "Yeah, about that... they're not ours. I did not order them."
sidenote: this is where the tone of voice deteriorates into one of utter condescension and bullying
M.: "They're yours. I don't care, take them up."
Christine: "They don't have my name, C.'s name, or even our room number or lab name on it. I'm not taking them up until I talk to C. about it."
M.: "You're taking them up to the lab. Do it now."
Christine: "No, I'm not. I'm going to call C."

M. stalks off to inflict pain and agony on another coworker.

Christine calls C. and he sounds real disappointed, because apparently he gave a list of items to M. to look over and specifically said NOT TO ORDER THEM. M. orders them anyway, with who knows whose money. M. does not tell anyone and expects Christine to just read her mind.

However, the important part of this is the point at which Christine stood up to M. Christine is officially NOT staff, and M. is officially in charge of ONLY staff.

Who loves it? Christine.