Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Classes, books..

My classes are as thus follows:
BioChem II - Big lecture. Professor records it and puts it in iTunes University, so he threatened us to listen and not take notes. He's got an insane New York accent and makes jokes about how we're all "anaerobic" (aka fat) and got extremely upset that nobody knew the molarity of water (56.5M). The recitation consists of a trying-to-be-funny-but-isn't girl who's about 1 year older than me try to load up TED videos while her Macbook eats itself and then just emails us the link. We're expected to finish about 20 paragraph-answer questions each week to go over. The exams are just handpicked essay questions that he's already given us.
Verdict: Cake-walk.

Endocrine Physiology - Tiny tiny class. About 8 people. Professor is a million years old and tells us stories about experimenting on living dogs' hearts and gives us papers from the '50s to read that have his name on the byline. He's in love with endocrinology... probably not good for us, because he's going to ask impossible questions that someone without a 60-year career in medicine wouldn't know. The grading is like this: you get assigned a topic, you present on it the next week and you hand a paper in on it the week after. Then you get a break week, and it starts over again. When assigning topics, he just grumbled things like "Acromegaly," and "Hepatic portal" at us. I had a nightmare last night that I gave my presentation and he growled, "Just so you know, you got zero points."
Verdict: Worried.

In other news:
I gave my cousin Jillian (12) the Alanna books and The Circle of Magic books. I found out last night that she loved loved loved Alanna and couldn't get past the first 20 pages of the Circle books - exactly how I felt. I'm giving her Kel and Daine the next time I see her, yay! Direct quote: "Tortall kicks some butt!"

Jack - she said she was really upset that Alanna broke up with John. She didn't want to read the end. Lol.


Jacqueline said...

I suppose, looking back, it all turns out okay. Though you never really find out what happens to Daine and Numair. And Kel sucks!

Christine said...

What! I like Kel a lot! She doesn't have magic to help her but kicks some butt anyway.