Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Shitshow

Soooo... Friday night was fun. We got all dressed up and went to a Halloween party!
And then one of the girls got upset for absolutely zero reason and went to go cry in the foyer. I went out to see if she was okay and ended up spending the entire time sitting with her. And to make it better, everyone who was coming by who knew her kept giving her nasty looks... why? Because she's been doing this for about 5 months. Every party. Ruining it. I've only been to one or two, thank god, because I really do not want to do that again. Her roommate was super pissed, because she is trying to get over her lameass boyfriend and wants to have a good time and has been taking care of her for those entire 5 months. All this started when the crying girl's long time boyfriend broke up with her really badly, but COME ON WOMAN. It obviously is not about that anymore, or else you would be able to control yourself!! At least sometimes! Straight up... it's pathetic.
So, she wants to leave so I go with her because we are really far away, I was getting kind of tired anyway and of course my mood of partying is completely ruined.
We walk the wrong way for about 10 minutes.
Turn around, follow some other people to the T.
Realize we are going the wrong way on the T for about 3 stops.
Get out, get a cab, drive home... at which time I realize I do not have my wallet. The girl gets into a fight with the cabbie because she's drunk and he won't drive me another 3 blocks to my house without restarting the meter. I push her out of the cab so he doesn't go apeshit. We go into her place, I call the people back at the party to ask them to look for my wallet for me. I'm starting to freak out.
Feel sick, use the toilet.
They call back, say they can't find it. Ok, so I probably dropped it on the T, that is most likely what happened, since it was super crowded and I mostly wasn't in my right mind.
I want to go home, so I make sure the girl is calmed down and wait for her roommate to get back so I can get in the car with friends and one of my suitemates to drive back. We get back, I have to convince the security guard that I do actually live there while feeling like shit. He lets me in, thank god, and I still have my keys so I can get into my room.
I get back, and reach for my phone to call Adam so I can tell him what happened and say goodnight.
My phone is not there.

What the fuck.

I call my phone with my suitemate's, some girl picks up and says she found it in the hallway outside of my friend's place. I tell her to bring it across the hall and thank you so much for finding it. She gives it to my friend, who promises to get it back to me the next morning.
I say goodnight to my suitemate and we both head to our rooms.
At this point I am beyond destroyed and cry myself to sleep, because not only have I lost my wallet and everything ($50 cash, BU I.D., driver's license, new metrocard, T pass with $20 on it, credit card...) in it, but now I cannot even call Adam like I promised him I would.
Wake up at 9:50 the next day, feel a little crappy but due to the late night toilet hug not too bad. My friend comes over to return my phone, I call and wake up Adam to let him know what happened. He is astounded. As am I.
I then am on hold with Bank of America for a grand total of 32 minutes before I snag a phone rep to cancel my card. No one has used it since I did last, thank god, so I'm hoping it is not stolen and just merely picked up and given to the T conductor.
The MBTA has a Lost and Found phone number to call, but oh great! it's only open Monday through Friday, so I can't do shit until tomorrow. And none of my friends found my wallet at the party, so I can only assume it was on the T. Full of strangers. And people ready to make off with my info and cash. Blugh.
So I talk to the crying friend at lunch and she tells me that it's because she's jealous of her roommate and how she's always the center of attention and I say she should tell her to try and smooth things over, because she's obviously angry and frustrated. She agrees to do so.
I see the roommate (the friend who gave me my phone back) for dinner and she vents about the crying girl, which I completely do not blame her for. It gets awkward when the crying girl IMs me right in the middle of it and calls the angry girl to find out that we are hanging out... and sounds pissed/annoyed because she wanted to talk to her but she's not there. So, great, now I'm in the middle of a showdown.

And I still don't have my wallet!!