Thursday, September 18, 2008

Experiment v.2

Mine won't be as pretty, but oh well.

1. I think about you almost every day and I fervently hope you're all right, even though I'll never find out.
2. In some ways, I'm glad you moved. I realized my jealousy when you were gone.
3. Talking to you has become a chore, but deep down I'm glad for it.
4. I wish you could have more self-control... it'd be so much easier to be your friend.
5. Your big and only fault is your lack of self-esteem, and it sometimes makes you ugly when all you are is beautiful.
6. I wish I could be like you and so does everybody else.
7. I know you talk to me because I won't pull a protective line, but I silently pray you watch out for yourself. I am also intensely and irrevocably proud of you.
8. I feel like your mother. Grow up.
9. Even after all the silly missteps in the long past, I will always love you and be there for you. You are my longest and truest friend. I dearly hope you will be happy.
10. Sorry. No one knew what to do, so I did the only thing I could.
11. I can no longer comprehend a future without you. I know we'll make it, and we'll make it good.

That was actually way more than I thought I could think of. I'm kind of surprised...
Only one person is referred to twice. Alot of people mentioned do not read this.


Meena said...

What is this?

Btw, I read your blog every entry -- you're on my google feed, baby!

Christine said...

hahaha good ole google feed. i check yours once in a while, but the last post was a year ago. do you have another i don't know about?

one of my friends posted unsaid thoughts about friends, i thought it was interesting