Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I love other locquacious people.

"People I hate, football version - 1.) Bernard Pollard. Obviously. 2.) My mom. Ma Dukes was the one who brought this on us, with her jinxes and evil devilwoman magic. I'm seriously considering feeding her contact information to the marauding Patriot Death Squads, just to wash this karma from my bloodline. Sorry Momz, but you forced my hand. 3.) Tom Brady's mom. Clearly, while dipping her demigod offspring in the river Styx, she held him by his left knee rather than his heel. 4.) Raj Manoharan. For those of you that know Raj, it's easy to regard him as a genuinely lovable guy, a sort of Indian teddy bear. Unfortunately, this Indian teddy bear is stuffed with nothing but malice and the mangled souls of fallen children. He is the only one to send a taunting message, which I find highly amusing since he backs the Eagles, a team championed by a QB who spends more time being hurt than I do thinking up ways to slander people in an AIM away message. I hate you Raj. 5.) God. This one is two-fold. I hate God for A.) creating the ACL in an obvious bid to prevent Tom Brady from growing too powerful, and B.) apparently being the latest to dickride Brett Favre and jump on the Jets bandwagon. Go ahead and try to keep Tom down, God - Dustin Pedroia is still coming up in your rearview mirror. 6.) Any euphoric Bills fan (Will George) or Jets fan (I would say Christian Villamor, but that flip-flopper has been relegated to New York fan since he's one bad Favre start away from buying a vintage Shockey jersey and waxing poetic about the 'good ol' days') who applaud the injury and relish the opportunity to be relevant again. Mind you, neither of these teams did not just win the Superbowl, make the playoffs or even finish with a winning record; no, they are merely ecstatic at having the shot to be more than speed bumps. Onwards and upwards, boys, because this is the last gasp before the mediocrity and shame set in again."

Matty M.